26 research outputs found

    Network of Steel: Neural Font Style Transfer from Heavy Metal to Corporate Logos

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    We introduce a method for transferring style from the logos of heavy metal bands onto corporate logos using a VGG16 network. We establish the contribution of different layers and loss coefficients to the learning of style, minimization of artefacts and maintenance of readability of corporate logos. We find layers and loss coefficients that produce a good tradeoff between heavy metal style and corporate logo readability. This is the first step both towards sparse font style transfer and corporate logo decoration using generative networks. Heavy metal and corporate logos are very different artistically, in the way they emphasize emotions and readability, therefore training a model to fuse the two is an interesting problem

    K-Bit-Swap: a new operator for real-coded evolutionary algorithms

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    There have been a variety of crossover operators proposed for real-coded genetic algorithms (RCGAs). Such operators recombine values from pairs of strings to generate new solutions. In this article, we present a recombination operator for RCGAs that selects the string locations for change separately randomly in the parent and offspring, enabling solution parts to move within a string, and compare it to mainstream crossover operators in a set of experiments on a range of standard multidimensional optimization problems and a real-world clustering problem. We present two variants of the operator, either selecting bits uniformly at random in both strings or sampling the second bit from a normal distribution centered at the selected location in the first string. While the operator is biased toward exploitation of fitness space, the random selection of the second bit for swapping reduces this bias slightly. Statistical analysis of the experimental results using a nonparametric test shows the advantage of the new recombination operators on our test optimization functions

    Beef Cattle Instance Segmentation Using Fully Convolutional Neural Network

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    In this paper we present a novel instance segmentation algorithm that extends a fully convolutional network to learn to label objects separately without prediction of regions of interest. We trained the new algorithm on a challenging CCTV recording of beef cattle, as well as benchmark MS COCO and Pascal VOC datasets. Extensive experimentation showed that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art solutions by up to 8% on our data

    Bootstrapping Labelled Dataset Construction for Cow Tracking and Behavior Analysis

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    This paper introduces a new approach to the long-term tracking of an object in a challenging environment. The object is a cow and the environment is an enclosure in a cowshed. Some of the key challenges in this domain are a cluttered background, low contrast and high similarity between moving objects - which greatly reduces the efficiency of most existing approaches, including those based on background subtraction. Our approach is split into object localization, instance segmentation, learning and tracking stages. Our solution is benchmarked against a range of semi-supervised object tracking algorithms and we show that the performance is strong and well suited to subsequent analysis. We present our solution as a first step towards broader tracking and behavior monitoring for cows in precision agriculture with the ultimate objective of early detection of lameness

    Incremental Adaptation Strategies for Neural Network Language Models

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    It is today acknowledged that neural network language models outperform backoff language models in applications like speech recognition or statistical machine translation. However, training these models on large amounts of data can take several days. We present efficient techniques to adapt a neural network language model to new data. Instead of training a completely new model or relying on mixture approaches, we propose two new methods: continued training on resampled data or insertion of adaptation layers. We present experimental results in an CAT environment where the post-edits of professional translators are used to improve an SMT system. Both methods are very fast and achieve significant improvements without overfitting the small adaptation data